We are one of the leading worldwide exporting manufacturers of pelletpresses, complete pelletmill- and grinder-lines and high-quality spare parts for pelletmills. We plan, develop and construct with more than 40 years of experience machines and installations in the pelletizing sector as for example the feedmillpelletizing and the woodpelletizing.
Our service and delivery covers the entire duration of a pellet press or a press program – from the development through the engineering, testing and production of new press systems and spare parts to maintenance services.
For each section of the production process, we can offer a wide range of individual solutions in order to optimize your production with regard to costs and quality. Quick delivery and response to your needs are guaranteed by our large stock of raw material and premachined parts. Continuous development, broad experience and regular controls provide latest technology and best quality to the customer.
PELLETMILLS are well designed and compact constructions. They are operating on all continents under various conditions and represent an optimum in economy for the customer. Our Ringdie pelletmills are V-belt driven units from 7-450 HP with two equal-synchronous drives (optional with only one drive available) and extendable to double-pelleting, long-term-conditioning, fat-coating at the die, automatic control, etc.
We produce gun-drilled, high-mirror-finished and vacuum-hardened stainless dies for all pelletpress brands worldwide (ringdies as well as flatbeddies) with a max. diameter of 1600 mm and a hole diameter of 1,2 to 50 mm. Also available in alloy steel. Our permanent stock comprises about 150 dies.
Hammermills are a very strong and low maintenance construction for optimal performance in sizes from 5 to 500 HP to grind materials in the whole range from A to Z. Similarly, screeners and beaters for other brands are available. Our hammermills operate with a load-regulator, so as to achieve a 100% mill utilization and significantly to reduce the susceptibility.
Counter current coolers are characterized by a special construction, where the cooling air is sucked by a fan through the ground of the cooler and through the adjustable pellet layer. The ground of the cooler is close to free-flowing products, yet breathable. If necessary, the lamellar construction ensures complete emptying. Wet spots or adhesions can be prevented. A bridge formation in the cooler is excluded.
Carousel dryers and coolers ensure the best product treatment and produce on basis of their circular cross-section a homogeneous process air, resulting in a uniform drying or cooling of each particle. The carousel system consists of several rotating decks, which transport the material from the top to the bottom through the system.
Crumblers are simple and maintenance reduced constructions with pneumatic operated bypass flap. For some animal species, such as juvenile, the pelleted feed is structured too coarse or too hard to be eaten in sufficient quantity. So, mainly in the compound feed production, the pellets are therefore crumbled in special machines – the crumblers – to get smaller and therefore more easily chewable particles.
Centrifugal screeners are used for a quick and efficient cleaning of the pellets from fines. A guarantee of a full 100% absence of dust cannot be given with any form of pelleting. In order to reduce the percentage of dust to an acceptable level, all pellets are screened and passed through aspiration. One outstanding feature of our centrifugal screeners, which have been designed especially for this task, is their operation low in vibration and their high capacity.
Control systems for the load depending feed adjustment, overload-control, steam-adjustment of the pelletmill, interface for external control as well as a switchboard for the accessories as cooler, crumbler, fatspray, etc. .is carried out by a efficient SPS. Different models are being applied here as for example automatic control of the entire line with or without visualisation or just a simple manual control.
Fatspray system consists of a special designed self-cleaning slotnozzle, controller, pump, TASC-variodrive, flow-sensor and heating tape for the pipe.
The self cleaning slotnozzle is not creating oilmist as the fat is just sprayed to the die surface by the normal pressure of the oil pump.
Extruder are simple and maintenance reduced constructions for the treatment of grain, fish feed and petfood. With this treatment of compound feed in the form of meal, the food is mechanically suspended in a pressure vessel at high water steam adding with high pressure. Whereas, temperatures of up to 130 °C and a pressure up to 50 bar during a contact time of 5 – 10 sec are reached. Like in a cooking process these conditions change starch and proteins and thus increase the digestibility. Potentially contaminated indigestive substances are destroyed. The most pathogenic bacteria are killed.
Chopmills are sturdy, simple and maintenance reduced constructions which combines an original type crushing machine with a drum type crushing machine into one machine.
The scrapers are made of a special synthetic material and their wear and tear is 50-70 % less. They are resistant to corrosion and antistatic – thus requires a less abrasion.
Gun-drilling machines for the production of dies. The number of spindles is set and customized according to your needs as well as the control system.
Special machines are special designs specifically made to your wishes and needs.
In our own testing center proceeding techniques are available to test all kind of products. The rawmaterial or product you like to do pellets of can be tested in our facility for suitability.
Your needs and wishes for innovative products and services are at the heart of our business. Continuously high importance is attached in our house to the divisions of research and development through a variety of projects. The activities in the research and development center are primarily addressed to the continued development of the products.